New Zealand Modern School of Music
South Mākirikiri School has a partnership with the NZ Modern School of Music (NZ MSM) to provide music lessons to our students. NZ MSM teachers have been trained in music education to improve the student’s knowledge, experience, enjoyment, performance, and creation of music. NZ MSM has found that positive music experiences bring life-long pleasure to their learners, and course content encourages creativity and improvisation in practical work. They believe a comprehensive study of music theory benefits their students.
2023 Rangitikei Kiwileles
The New Zealand Ukulele Trust supports hundreds of Kiwi kids to play the ukulele every year. They provide schools like ours with online teaching resources, support Kiwileles Uke-Hub Leaders to run regional events, and encourage Kiwilele kids to strive for excellence through their Kiwileles Junior and Senior Quads.
This year’s Kiwilele Jam (right) was held at Te Matapihi, Bulls on Friday 11 August from 11:00am to 2:00pm. For more information about the Trust, please click here.
Below: NZ MSM students perform at their end of year concert held in the South Mākirikiri School Media Centre.