Update on Covid @ South Mak

Evening family and whanau, The weather truly has made it very pleasant around school for all those able to attend.  Just as an update, alongside our current number of students and families isolating due to Covid we have been informed of a student who was at school today that has

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Principal's Vlogs

Update on Start of Year managing Covid:

Friday 28th January Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānua, There are exciting times ahead. Come Tuesday the 1st of February we will enter another interesting year for education and for our whole community. I have waited to send information about how we will be starting the year until we have the

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School almost back!!!!

Not long now to we are all back at school. I hope you all have had a great weekend. The weather has been beautiful.

Quick RemindPlease no students at school before 8:00am.
– Buses will run as normal.
-Students to have own drink bottles as fountains are turned off.
-Return devices as soon as possible.
– Students to wash hands upon entry to class and use hand sanitizer provided.
– Any adults that come into classes or the office to check names off on the sheets provided. You are welcome to be inside our school.

We are looking forward to the start of week 6 and know it will be an exciting time for everyone.

See you all tomorrow.

Week 3 Term 2 update.

Kia ora whanau,

Thank you everyone for your support during this lockdown period. We have had a very productive day preparing for students that need supervision from tomorrow along with developing our next steps with online learning.
We have heard many impressive stories of learning occuring and skills being developed in and around home.
If you need some more support with some technology please contact the classroom teacher in the first instance or and we will see what we can arrange.

If your situation changes and you are needing supervision while you provide an essential service please also contact me.

Keep your eye on the Facebook page and alerts via the app as we update with more information.

We look forward to getting everyone back at school when it is safe and know everyone is looking forward to getting back to normal.


Greg Allan

Latest Covid-19 information.

Evening everyone,

I am sure you all have been awaiting 4:00 announcements from the Prime Minister. We also have been waiting to see what it will mean for our school and community.

South Makirikiri school will be open from the 29th of April for those in essential work and needing the supervision for your children. The ultimate goal would be for learning to continue at home where possible.

We will have more information as the MOE provides us with more over the coming days.

Can you please complete the online form so we can start to get a picture for what the 29th of April may look like for school and online learning.

We appreciate the unique and incredibly difficult time this has been for everyone, along with all the positive support for what our teachers have been providing along with all you have been doing as teachers.