Update on Covid @ South Mak

Evening family and whanau, The weather truly has made it very pleasant around school for all those able to attend.  Just as an update, alongside our current number of students and families isolating due to Covid we have been informed of a student who was at school today that has

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Principal's Vlogs

Update on Start of Year managing Covid:

Friday 28th January Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānua, There are exciting times ahead. Come Tuesday the 1st of February we will enter another interesting year for education and for our whole community. I have waited to send information about how we will be starting the year until we have the

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Netball Draw 12th Sept

Above is the draw for this weekend. 


Just a reminder about the protocols we need to adhere to:
  • Entry and Exit gates are on the Broadway side of the courts.
  • Only players, teachers, managers, and registered star helpers for the junior teams are allowed on the courts with the players.
Year 1&2 – Kylie RR, Kylie Knox,
Year 3&4 – Alisha Maas, Kylie RR.
  • Everyone else is to observe outside the fence obeying 2m social distancing rule.
Please arrive for your game only 20min prior to the beginning of your game.
Meet with your teams outside the courts, on a piece of paper record all team members names including coaches and managers.
This will be handed in as you go through the designated entry gate to the courts.
  • Please pack up your teams belongings and exit the courts as quickly as possible and don’t forget to Sanitise before you exit the courts.
At around 8am on Saturday a call will be made regarding the weather. No news means we’re all go!
We will NOT be playing on Sunday if it is called off on Saturday.

Hockey Games 4 and 5 September

Hockey Games

South Mak Hawks (yr 7&8): Game at 6.00 pm, please be there by 5.30 pm, on turf 1.

South Mak Falcons (yr 5&6): Game at 5.00 pm, please be there by 4.45 pm Friday.

South Mak Kea (yr3&4): Game at 9 am, please be there by 8.40 am Saturday, on turf 2.

As we are still at level 2 the following procedures will stay in place.
COVID Alert Level 2 personal hygiene reminders to all team members-:
– stay at home if you’re unwell;
– no sharing of gear (including drink bottles & PCD face masks);
– mouthguards stay in the mouth until you finish playing & don’t touch your face;
– wash or sanitize hands before and after playing;
– sticks not hands touch the ball;
– cough or sneeze into elbows;
– no bushman blowing of nose or spitting;
– no handshaking with the opposition (a quick 3 cheers)
Match Sheets recording the names of all team participants will be handed to the Match Administrator pre-entry to the turf.
Sorry, NO spectators will be allowed inside the FAHS turf gates or on the court area adjacent to the Rangitikei College turf.
If you’re going to stand around the outer fence to watch – strongly suggest you register your presence via the displayed NZ Govt. Tracer App QR codes and employ the recommended 2 metre physical distancing when interacting with people you don’t know. (Face masks are now recommended in public situations where physical distancing is not possible)
Help to keep us all safe!

Netball Draw Saturday 5th September

Here is the draw for netball on Saturday.
Just a reminder about the protocols we need to adhere to:
  • Entry and Exit gates are on the Broadway side of the courts.
  • Only players, teachers, managers, and registered star helpers for the junior teams are allowed on the courts with the players.
Year 1&2 – Kylie RR, Kylie Knox,
Year 3&4 – Alisha Maas, Kylie RR.
  • Everyone else is to observe outside the fence obeying 2m social distancing rule.
Please arrive for your game only 20min prior to the beginning of your game.
Meet with your teams outside the courts, on a piece of paper record all team members names including coaches and managers.
This will be handed in as you go through the designated entry gate to the courts.
  • Please pack up your teams belongings and exit the courts as quickly as possible and don’t forget to Sanitise before you exit the courts.
At around 8am on Saturday a call will be made regarding the weather. No news means we’re all go!
We will NOT be playing on Sunday if it is called off on Saturday.