Update on Covid @ South Mak

Evening family and whanau, The weather truly has made it very pleasant around school for all those able to attend.  Just as an update, alongside our current number of students and families isolating due to Covid we have been informed of a student who was at school today that has

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Principal's Vlogs

Update on Start of Year managing Covid:

Friday 28th January Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānua, There are exciting times ahead. Come Tuesday the 1st of February we will enter another interesting year for education and for our whole community. I have waited to send information about how we will be starting the year until we have the

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Hockey Draw this week

This weeks draw is as follows:
Mini Sticks: Second Round:
Saturday 21/5/22 8.30am Sth Mak Kiwis v Hunterville
                           8.30am Marton Stars v Bulls
                           9.15am Marton Comets v Taihape
                           BYE James Cook Lightning
Kiwi Sticks: This weeks draw 2nd grading game: 
Friday 20/5/22  Rangitikei College  3.30pm  Huntley Hackers v Unstick-a-bull
                                                        4.15pm  Hunterville Huntaways v Oroua Spikers
                                                        5.00pm  Hunterville Hijinks v Taihape Tigers
                                                        5.45pm  Marton Strikers v Taihape Panthers
                                                        6.30pm  Marton Goaldiggers v Sth Mak Moreporks
                           Huntley School  3.15pm Huntley Huskies v Marton Junction Gold
                                                      4.00pm James Cook Blazers v Sth Mak Kererus
Kwik Sticks: This weeks draw 2nd grading game: 
Thursday 19/5/22 Rangitikei College 4.30pm James Cook 1 v Marton Warriors
                                                            5.30pm Bulls v Huntley Red
                                                            6.30pm Huntley Black v Sth Mak Tuataras 
Friday 20/5/22  Feilding  4.00pm T1 Hunterville Y7 v Marton Junction
                                                     T2 James Cook 2 v Marton Chiefs
                                        5.00pm T1 Oroua Stags v Taihape Hotshots
                                                     T2 Hunterville Y8 v Halcombe Black
                                        6.00pm T1 Taihape Terrors v Halcombe Red
Any queries, please contact me. Thank you.