Some early notice about Teacher Only Day Friday the 21st August.
School will be closed for learning for the day.
Some early notice about Teacher Only Day Friday the 21st August.
School will be closed for learning for the day.
We need some help with umpires for netball please. With three teams playing on Saturday Miss Cotton and Miss Drylie cannot be on every court to umpire on Saturday. We need some help with some people being able to help with umpiring. You don’t need to be an expert. Without umpires we run the risk of having to default games which isn’t what we want to do. If you can help please let us know.
Appreciate any help.
Mr Allan
All lunch orders needed by Wednesday morning. $5 Hotdog and biscuit lunch.
This Friday we will have a Hotdog hot lunch order.
Slips will come home today. $5 Hotdog, Biscuit,
Orders to be in the office by Wednesday morning.
Welcome back, everyone. Accessing classes will have to go around the main walkway due to the covered way not being completed. This will hopefully be completed early this week. To access the office the front door is able to be used.
Lovely day to have everyone back.