Great turnout Last night. 300 bales tonight at Hayden Trotters. Baler starting just before 4 so anytime after that. Hayden said to bring togs if anyone wants to have a swim. Kids included. Cheers
93 Griffins Road.
Great turnout Last night. 300 bales tonight at Hayden Trotters. Baler starting just before 4 so anytime after that. Hayden said to bring togs if anyone wants to have a swim. Kids included. Cheers
93 Griffins Road.
Job tonight for Murray Knox. Go north up Newman’s line off makirikiri rd. There will be an open gate on the right. Anytime from 4.30. Cheers
Again massive thanks to those who have made it along.
Reminder no experience needed, learn on the job.
All this goes back to our tamariki. Supporting the costs of buses and swimming lessons, equipment for the turf, new sports uniforms to make our kura amazing.
We love seeing as many that can get out to help.
Jobs keep rolling in. 300 bales at Hayden Trotters on Sat arvo. Time to be confirmed. 93 Griffins road. Approx 900 meters past the tutaenui hall on left. Cheers.
Thanks to the ladies in the kitchens for the food that will be provided for those putting in a huge effort.
Hi all, 6-700 bales tomorrow night just past flock house on Parewanui rd turn right on Symes road and down there 2-300 meters. If you want a ride can carpool from South mak school at 5pm. Then on Friday night 300 bales at Murray knox’s on makiriki road. Cheers
Hay hay it’s another hay evening tomorrow. Not a biggie but a goodie.
Hay on tomorrow evening at turkingtons on waimutu road. Waiting on gate number but will be a bale of hay on roadside. 300ish bales.
many hands make light work they say.