Update on Covid @ South Mak

Evening family and whanau, The weather truly has made it very pleasant around school for all those able to attend.  Just as an update, alongside our current number of students and families isolating due to Covid we have been informed of a student who was at school today that has

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Principal's Vlogs

Update on Start of Year managing Covid:

Friday 28th January Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānua, There are exciting times ahead. Come Tuesday the 1st of February we will enter another interesting year for education and for our whole community. I have waited to send information about how we will be starting the year until we have the

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Pet Day

In light of our current Covid restrictions, we have had some clarity about having gatherings at school.
I have been working with the Ministry of Education guidelines which are as follow:

“As soon as your event or activity brings people onsite who are not there for education purposes, including students, parents and caregivers, then the rules for gatherings do apply, including limits on numbers attending. This would include performances such as school plays, cultural events, and sporting activities.

You’ll need to treat the running of any large programs with strong caution, particularly if there are large numbers of students (and parents and caregivers) involved at the same time. We’d recommend that these types of events are deferred until your school returns to Alert Level 1.”

We are in the position of really wanting to have our pet day go ahead but we will be in the situation that our pet day is open to the community where we are not able to stay under the 100 limit which will also includes our students.

We will enable parents to do the dropping off of animals and will need to schedule times but will not be able to have parents as spectators for the day.

We really would like your feedback on how we can make this work.

Pet Day 2021 Thursday 30th September

Pet Day 2021 Thursday 30th September Click the link to enter.

Pet day is scheduled for Thursday the 30th of September. We are still planning to manage this even if we are at Alert level 2 as we can safely manage the number of spectators around our school site by spreading people out.

We need to get entries from students with what pets they are intending to bring along.

The timetable is attached with a few changes from previous years to hopefully make it easier for our invited judges. We have also moved the starting time to ease the pressure on families getting animals to school so early.

Please complete a separate entry form for each child.

Pet Day 2021


Term 4 Touch opportunity in Feilding. Sorry link wasn’t working.



We have the opportunity of entering some teams in the Feilding Touch module for term 4 on Thursdays. Games are played from 4-8pm at Victoria Park, Feilding.

This is available from year 1-8 depending on numbers. 

Teams would be mixed teams in:

Year 1-2

Year 3-4

Year 5-6

Year 7-8


We would need a minimum of 9 players in each team to ensure we don’t run short when players are unable to play.


We would also require some support managing teams at each week’s games.


Training will be held during lunchtimes each week. If you are interested in helping please indicate on the online form.


Entry fees which include uniforms, will cost $10 per student.

Please scan to complete the online form or contact the office to speak with me.

Returning to School under Level 2

We are looking forward to Thursday morning and the opportunity to see as many of our tamariki back at school. School will be open from 8:00am and students will be encouraged to use the sanitizer upon entry to school and the classrooms. Any parents coming into school please use the covid tracer app which is displayed around buildings, or sign in at the office. 

Face masks: It remains an option for individuals and a decision for the individuals and whānau. Whatever decisions students and teachers make, it is their own to make and needs to be respected.  Where an individual chooses to use a face-covering they should supply and wear their own, and to do so safely. This option applies to younger children too.
Public health advice for those under six is getting children to cough and sneeze into their elbow and wash and dry hands. The use of masks is permitted but not actively encouraged. 

School Buses: 

School transport returns to normal operations under Alert Level 2.
Face coverings
Face coverings are not required on school transport. 
Anyone who chooses to wear a face covering in any setting should be supported to do so. Face coverings are not required on school buses because schools know who is on school transport and have good systems in place to identify potential close contacts.
Any student who is unwell should not travel on a school bus.

Devices: Can all school devices be returned to the boxes provided outside Room 6 so we can give them a clean before they go back into the classrooms.

Water bottles: We encourage students to have a named drink bottle as the water fountains will not be operating. These will be able to be filled in classrooms.

Sickness: Please if your child is sick keep them at home. If your child comes to the office complaining of sickness we appreciate your support, coming and collecting them as soon as practical.

There will be more information around production and pet day arrangements once we have had a chance to come up with some solutions tomorrow. 

Thank you again for the amazing support for our tamariki and if we can support you in any way please let us know.