Evening family and whanau,
The weather truly has made it very pleasant around school for all those able to attend.
Just as an update, alongside our current number of students and families isolating due to Covid we have been informed of a student who was at school today that has tested positive this evening. We have been in contact with the class directly and ask you all to stay extra vigilant for the symptoms of Covid.
These include:
o A new or worsening cough
o Sneezing and runny nose
o A fever
o Temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste
o Sore throat
o Shortness of breath
If any develop, get tested immediately, then, stay at home until you receive the result.
This is a tough time for everyone, either going through isolation or for the many of us waiting to see if we also are impacted by Covid. We thank you for working with us and hope we get back to normality as soon as possible.
South Makirikiri School